Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Developing Story - DC Circuit Court Denies Rehearing The Case - As Far As They Are Concerned CAMR Is Dead

The news reports are a little sketchy right now but it appears the US Circuit Court of Appeals has told the DOJ that their appeal for an en banc rehearing of the CAMR decision on behalf of the EPA has been denied. I will get more details as they become available. This leaves the stubborn EPA only one last resort, The Supreme Court of the United States. It is that or get on with MACT. I think everyone involved, the courts, the power companies, the public, everyone would just as soon get it settled. MACT is not that bad and delay will only make it worse, as the delay over the last couple years has.

More to follow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, the court has denied the rehearings requested by both the EPA and UARG. I have posted the actual court documents if anyone is interested.